The life of a teenager seems to change daily. In 1 minute teen seems interested in dance, physical activities and constantly they are not interested.
Depression in Teenagers
Everyone has bad days by disappointment .these are interim.
But once if children are going through a stage of depression for more than weeks or a month then it could be mood swings.
What makes teens depressed
Broken relationships
Conflict In family
Fake friends
Lack of achievement
And last but not least overthinking
For a teenager, one of the most difficult times is taking independence from parents. Often most of the children broke their relationship with their parents in the quest for freedom. Nowadays in modern times everything has changed nowadays teens need privacy.
But parents what your teens need
Respecting their choices
Believing them
Motivating them in a good manner
Want to be noticed by you
Some teens want now furthermore to have quality time with their parents. That care and love from their parents.
Consideration to parents
Take an interest in who they are, what they are doing in a positive effect
Listen to them when you feel something horrible then you must correct them.
Believe it if parents could understand your child then the child will also understand you.
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